Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fishing With Snakes

Sorry friends, this is not a NATURE post, unless you speak of the NATURE OF ALL THINGS SEPTIC. The snakes I refer to are Plumbing Snakes.

The new septic pump ceased working this past week, so it was back to mega-conservative mode until Ken could take a jaunt back down the hole to assess things. The pump was removed and tested in a garbage can of water and it worked just fine. This told us that there must be a more DRAMATIC event happening between the secondary tank where the pump is and the sand mound.

Thanks to a borrow from Mike W., Ken fished the snakes in and there seemed to be no clogs. Measuring the supposed path of travel on TOP of the ground, the line did not stop until it made it all the way to the mound. So there just might be something wrong on that end that is causing everything to back up and stop the pump from pumping. yummy.

So, the mystery continues. The pump was returned back into its home in the hole and after a few days of water use, we will know if the snake activity jostled things back to order or if we will need to call in an expert after we plant that money tree.

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