Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Septic Prairie Dogs

Hey- that would be a perfect name for a heavy metal band!

No, the prairie dogs on Meadow Lane, were two hard-working, patient men. To forge ahead with the trouble-shooting efforts of our mystery septic drama, Ken took a day off (w/out pay of course) and Scott sacrificed a precious vaca day to investigate and repair the backed up system. Ten accurately placed holes later, the junctions of the sand mound's laterals were exposed. A hand-held snake (in photo) was not enough to remove 20+ years of backed up glop, so we rented a bigger one for a few hours. Our high-pressure power washer helped to dislodge and clean everything out. Testing revealed a working system, so we will cap and seal the system, but leave the prairie dog holes as-is for a while until it can be determined if this actually did the trick. If not, the next step would be to dig out and drill new seep holes. If THAT doesn't work, we are probably looking at a major excavation and replacement. So for now, we'll celebrate the successful baby steps!

Thank you Scott for your time, muscle, expertise and friendship! [not to mention your tolerance of working on a nasty project]

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