Saturday, June 14, 2008

Meadow Happenings

The last few weeks have been super busy with end-of-year school events and life in general. We did manage to get in Shore Acres grasses (thanks mom and dad!) and started to paint the pond chairs. We also had a few visitors; a 3.5 foot garter snake and a young (3") wood turtle, who spent the night at CLUB KNOTT in the foyer eating chicken and willow leaves before continuing on with his journey the next day.

This week we also had a big storm and lost our electricity for 24 hours, which always means family game night with candles. We bathed in the pond with the Dr. Bronners Peppermint Soap. The thought of it wrinkled the nose of 12yr. old Morgen, saying, "Wait just a minute!... Don't we usually take a shower AFTER we swim in the pond?". The parental, generational mantra followed: "we need to be thankful for what we have and make the most of it...blah blah blah". Before long, everyone was having fun and we actually smelled "SPA-LICIOUS" when we got out!

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