Saturday, May 03, 2008

Out Of Blog Hibernation

Yes indeed, the slackers are back. Blog post slacking that is. With an AMAZING, relaxing vacation behind us (Thank you Wilkersons!!!), a NEW foot on the mend, longer daylight hours and the fact that everything seems to be coming alive out there... we have been delving back into outside improvements.

Today we continued with the mass shrub clipping, staking up the willow trees to improve posture, and power washed the pond chairs. While the power washer was out, Ken decided to push the application envelope and had a bit of fun trying to blast the tent caterpillar nests out of the trees by the deck. It seemed to do the trick on the lower branches. Success report to come.

With a little extra time and the blessing of found scraps, Ken and Hayden built a quick set of stilts. Definitely an acquired walking skill. Success report to come on that as well.

Happy Spring Everyone!!

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