Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Chipping Away

Sorry- no photos this time, but wanted to post an update regardless. During the past week there has been a few more efforts to take some of the existing projects toward completion. In the basement. Ken has been spackeling and painting the workshop. New security spotlights and wiring, etc. have been installed (thanks to Fred). Once again, the lights pop on when you drive up to the house. No more "memory walking" your way to the front door when we forget to turn on the porch light. I guess we'll also know when a big buck or or late night groundhog pass by (oh, or an intruder).

In addition to the lights and basement, there has been a little more spackel and sanding work done in the kid's bath and the "horse jump" half walls between the living and dining rooms. Like the title says... we are "chipping away". Celebrating the baby steps, right?

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