Today is Uncle Sam's big day. To help us take our minds off of the joy of hacking away at our earnings and sticking them in an envelope with a few vouchers, we were faced with another interesting project. A mid april spring storm brought in inches of rain, a bit of snow and wicked winds. Our little hero, Morgen, woke us up at 5:30 a.m. to advise that the electricity was off. A quick check in the basement led to the discovery that the sump pump battery backup was a gonner. Ken forged the weather and pulled the battery out of the Trooper and saved the basement in the nick of time! Suzan didn't have wheels today, but the basement was dry.
This crazy spring weather reminded us that only two weeks ago, it was warm enough to inspire the kids to don bathing suits and be the first ones in 2007 to jump into the pond. it was FREEZING. Momma didn't raise no wimps.